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MAXUM Commercial Door Operators Technical Training

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A self-paced introduction to the Maxum product line. Nine sections lasting 7 - 10 minutes each, with each section including a two question "Knowledge Check Quiz".

Here is the course outline:

1. Serviceability and Hardware

Insight in to the ease of serviceability and a look at the hardware components used in the Maxum design. 7:40 video with a two-question knowledge check.

2. Main and Accessory Boards

Overview of the new control board connections. Introduction of two new accessory boards for Maxum. 7:35 video with a two-question knowledge check.

3. Wall Control and Battery Backup

Maxum Wall control design and features, along with information on battery backup functionality. 10:44 video and a 2-question knowledge check.

4. Installation

MAXUM installation was designed with the technician in mind. A third of the weight and simple plug and play terminals make this one of the easiest installs you will have.

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